
Internationale Implantatstiftung

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Zahnimplantat-Versorgungen nach Knochenaufbau
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Internationale Implantatstiftung München

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129 results:
51. Version 2  
Greenstick fractures Fig. 1 Unnoticed chipping of a bone fragment during the insertion of a Corticobasal® implant in IF Method 5a. The implant shown here is 100% stable, there were no clinical…  
52. Version 2  
2. Treatment principles, requirements, legal framework Indications for the removal of Corticobasal® implants are fully described in Consensus No.1 of the International Implant Foundation,…  
53. Version 2  
1. Definitions A „corrective intervention“ serves to correct undesired developments or conditions in a BIPS. A distinction is made between surgical and prosthetic corrective interventions.…  
54. Version 2  
8. Indications, Procedure and Application of Methods for Carrying Out Corrective Interventions with Corticobasal® Implants Creation of this 002-Version: IF Board Applicable documents: All IF…  
55. Version 1  
Literature 1 Consensus on Basal Implants (1999, 2006, 2015, 2018, 2021) , the International Implant Foundation, Munich, Germany.  
56. Version 2  
1 Consensus on basal implants (1999, 2006, 2015, 2018, 2021), International Implant Foundation, Munich, Germany.  
57. Version 2  
7. Indications and treatment modalities with Corticobasal® implants (Version 2, March 2021) Definition of Corticobasal® Implantology: Corticobasal® implantology is a method or technology that…  
58. Version 1  
6. Consensus Regarding 16 Recognized and Clinically Proven Methods and Sub-Methods for Placing Corticobasal® Oral Implants (Version 1, 2019) In an effort to define standardized treatment methods,…  
59. Version 1  
Literature i Dobrinin O., Lazarov A, Konstantinovic V.K., et al. Immediate-functional loading concept with one-piece implants (BECES/BECES N /KOS/ BOI) in the mandible and maxilla- a multi-center…  
60. Version 1  
Copyright: International Implant Foundation, Munich, Germany 2018/2019/ 2020. This version of the consensus document was last reviewed in January 2020. This consensus document was released by the…  
Search results until of 129