The IF® creates the framework and the platform for pooling activities around the world by unifying and spreading the knowledge and experience of strategic implantology as the most modern, effective and minimally invasive method in dental implantology. This is done, inter alia, through the provision of up-to-date training material, the training and qualification of treatment providers and teachers, and the specification and assurance of quality characteristics. It creates guidelines and criteria for awarding and managing the Masterclass degree. It ensures the implementation of these standards in the countries at the events of the national user meetings. It supports the development of national user meetings. The IF® is financed in accordance with the provisions of the German Foundation Law within the framework of existing public utility. The organizers of the national user meetings inform the IF® about the implementation, the participants and the results of the user meetings. The IF® establishes and coordinates the cooperation with universities, specialist groups and other nonprofit organizations nationally and internationally.
Internationale Implantatstiftung
Wir sind eine gemeinnützige und wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Stiftung des Privatrechts, die Patientenerfahrungen und Ergebnisse von
Zahnimplantat-Versorgungen nach Knochenaufbau
erfassen und bewerten möchte.
Ziel ist die Erstellung einer Studie zur dentalen Versorgungsrealität in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz.
Einsender (Patienten u.a.) erhalten eine fachliche Einschätzung und Bewertung, kostenfrei und vertraulich.
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Internationale Implantatstiftung München
About us
The IF® is a nonprofit and neutral organization. It ensures the independence from manufacturers and interests of dentists associations. It is committed to rationality and evidence and at the same time practices tolerance against other medical treatment approaches. Like any doctor, the IF® is exclusively committed to the patients' well-being and to the patients' advantage.

It also addresses the issue of patient information on strategic implantology. The IF® ensures, in an appropriate and balanced manner, the participation and participation of national users in the decisions and the orientation of the IF®. At the same time, patients' and consumers' concerns are always to be taken into account. It regularly organizes an international congress of strategic implantology. It coordinates and supports the publication of scientific contributions to strategic implantology.
Our organization